Official Website of
Russell Hornfisher
Educational Speaker
Business Consultant
"The Dog Guy"

Buy Book: "How to treat your employees Like a Dog"
Cost: $25.00 Plus shipping and Handling ($6.00)
(please contact Russell for bulk orders to receive special pricing)

My Story
I have spent over 40 years working for companies in a variety of industries. Held positons ranging from district sales manager to president. In my spare time, I have fostered , trained, showed and judged dogs. Prior to getting involved with dogs, I earned a Master's of Science Degree in Organizational Behavior and Development. Accompanied by one of my four legged assistants, I taught evening classes on a variety of business topics at University of Northern Iowa and Eastern Michigan University as an adjunct instructor.
For over 20 years I have been a public speaker at conventions, business meetings, and business associations on topic such as:
How to Treat You Employees Like a Dog
Who Moved My Dog Dish
Overheads and Golden Retrievers
In Dog Years
Selling Like a Dog
Pack Behavior
Don't Bark
Best In Show
Job One
My presentations deal with common skills used in both working with dogs and building business organizations. I use examples of dog training to demonstrate leadership skills necessary to grow a successful business.

My Book

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I am happy to respond to your questions.
Please send me an email.
Russ Hornfisher
**to order multiple books, please send Russ a message